Liberty, the freedom to make decisions and choices for one's self that are not imposed by a religious, governmental or "other" entity with regulation powers over groups of people.
Simple Liberty is what most people ask for. You don't tell me what to do and I won't tell you what to do. Not much difficult to understand there.
Obviously, there are regulations on individuals liberties in every society. There has to be a compromise in order to protect the remaining liberties.
In America, the "golden rule" of regulating individual liberties is the idea that "Your rights end where the next person's begins."
So, to state, again simplistically, the ideal of American individual liberties we say, "If you don't like/ agree with/ believe in 'A', then you do not have to do/think/agree with, 'A'. However, you do not have the right to interfere in someone else's ability to do/ think/ agree with 'A'."
If you don't like abortion, don't get one.
If you don't like homosexuality, don't be homosexual.
If you don't like music and dancing, don't listen to music or dance.
If you don't like just about anything, don't do it.
However, this is America. You have the right to live your own life and no one else's. Unless someone is doing something that is hurting other people, they have the right to screw their lives up if that is, in fact, what they are doing.
We hove to make note here though, that a great many people want to maintain and vociferously defend the right to live their own life, yet at the same time, when they engage in something that causes them some type of harm, they do not want to accept the responsibility for the consequences of their actions.
In a truly "free" society, it is up to the individuals to research, prepare for and understand the surrounding issues and risks of what they involve themselves in.
Because we now have courtrooms full of lawsuits by people who take litigious action trying to avoid being responsible for their actions, the government and regulatory bodies increasingly abridge individual liberties to protect people from themselves.
The problem with this is that everyone must now lose or have liberties restricted because of others that have abused their own liberties.
The bigger problem with this is that we have a government that thinks it can continue to restrict everyone's liberties in order to protect people from themselves and to protect itself from liability.
The citizens who elect the representatives have voluntarily handed over the leadership of the country to the government itself.
American leadership is not meant to work that way though. It is a government intended to be led from within the citizenship, not the government.
In short, we have taken the locks off the pens and hired wolves to tend sheep.
Apathy, desire for comfort and an attitude of "Let someone else worry about it." among a larger number of citizens has led to a governing "class" that does not sees itself as the stewards of the citizens interests, but as the leaders and "keepers" of the citizens instead.
We are the citizen leaders of this country. We provide the course and direction of this country, NOT the government.
In order to regain our liberties we are obligated to participate.
1) Be a part of the discussions as often as possible. It may be boring to sit through a city council meeting, but they are counting on not having many, if any citizens pay attention to what they are attempting to slip by them.
2) Vote. Vote every chance you get to. The government and so called partisan "leadership" is counting on voter apathy to slip their candidates through the few citizens who are participating.
3) Be educated in local, state and federal issues, don't just take the media's or the politician's word for it. The sad thing is, the media is not objective or un-biased. They have become editorialists and have taken sides in political and governmental activities. The politicians have become and hired people to be masters of deception. The more citizens educate themselves, each other and think for themselves, the better and greater impact citizens will make at the polls.