Constitutional Libertarianism

Constitutional Libertarianism

Monday, January 16, 2012

Let's place the blame where it belongs

So many people want to blame the big evil corporations for their efforts to buy out our elected representatives and place everything in the favor of those corporate desires.

It's true that I am no fan of crony capitalism or corporates that exist pretty much as predators in the market.  Having said that, it's not all their fault for the way things are turning out.

It's hard to place all the blame on the shoppers who are just taking advantage of every "for sale" sign that gets put out in front of them.

That's right.  You can only buy off those people willing to be bought.  Many of them not only let themselves be talked into selling out, far too many actively and intentionally go into public service wearing a "for sale" sign around their necks.

So, don't "occupy" Wall St.  Instead, go occupy the senate, the house of representatives and the white house.  As long as they have the blue light special going on, the corporate shoppers will continue to try to buy them off.

Oh yes,  I know, you are jaded and have no real belief that there is such a thing as an honest politician.   I am right there with you.  However, just because something doesn't live up to the expectations set for it doesn't mean you give up on those expectations.  You redouble your efforts and try again.

Our Constitution is a a set of ideals, objectives, goals.  It's what the people who wrote it saw as what we as a country of united and free individuals "can" be.  It's what people believe "should" be.  it is the bar against which we measure ourselves and work to bring ourselves to where it is, not sit back and complain that it's too hard and demand that it be lowered to our convenience.

No my friends, to use what I feel is an apt quote by Dylan Thomas;

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. 

In short my friends, don't give up the fight for what we believe is right.

Don't let those fakes and phonies who would pretend to represent our best interests get off so easily.

Make them live up to the expectations of our Constitution.

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