Constitutional Libertarianism

Constitutional Libertarianism

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Public Libraries are one of Americas's greatest promises fulfilled

Here's what I think of public libraries....

The public library system is fundamental in realizing the potential of the U.S. Constitution.

It is the investment of the community toward ensuring that all the people have the opportunity to express and educate themselves on their own terms and time frames.

It provides a place in which all published material can be presented, especially that information pertaining to self government.  The government itself is placing the power  and potential of the government in the hands of citizens by having a place to disseminate information it creates as a part of it's obligation to report on it's activities and inform the people at large of the laws.

To be able to educate oneself on what topics a person chooses, at their own instigation and intent is perhaps one of the greatest freedoms in the world.  To do so regardless of class, race, gender, etc.. is something that is not known to people in all places around the world.  It is realized at perhaps it's fullest potential here in the United States.

Public libraries are a place people can change their lives, improve their abilities and increase their knowledge as they choose to.  

Unlike public schools which have become more or less centers of indoctrination and nanny oversight, public libraries allow the person to discover and learn from multiple sources and authors.

I believe supporting our public library system is not just a social nicety, but a necessity.  It is incumbent to us to make sure that public resources and funding to public libraries are not cut  or eliminated but always maintained fully.

I support the public libraries system here as one of the basic needs of a self governed people and land where people are not just free to learn and improve their lives, but are encouraged to do so.

I hope you do to.

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