Constitutional Libertarianism

Constitutional Libertarianism

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Give me liberty or get me the hell out of here.

Personally,  I think the single-most largest loss in the culture wars of America is the concept of Liberty.

Liberty, boiled down to a nut, is being able to live your life without being micro-manged by an "Establishmententity.  "Establishment" referring to any governmental, religious, trade or other group.

The concept of Liberty, however improperly applied by those "forefathers at the time, is what America is based on.  It's still one of the greatest draws of immigrants from all over the world.

The idea that you can be the person you want to be.  That your life is your own and no group can dictate or pre-determine your life.

Part of the loss of Liberty is the refusal of people to accept the consequences of their choices and decisions.  to take responsibility for the decisions they make and expecting someone else to pay or face some or all of those consequences.

That unwillingness to accept that responsibility incurs a reaction by those groups and entities to claim that if people will expect responsibility for other individuals consequences is going to happen, then those groups will impose regulations to limit their exposure to claims.

If we want Liberty.  if we truly want to keep Liberty in this country, then we must stop expecting it to be a nerf society that protects us from our selves.  

We need to accept the consequences for our actions and decisions without calling for help from Big Brother because life has become too uncomfortable.

Liberty means being able to live our own lives and taking what comes with that.  you can't have it both ways.

Without individual Liberty, there is no America.

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