Constitutional Libertarianism

Constitutional Libertarianism

Friday, June 29, 2012

Breaking down what America "Is"

The U.S. Constitution provides rights and freedoms to every individual American citizen.

The powers of the Federal government must be articulated and are limited to what is articulated.  If something is not articulated, it falls to the jurisdiction of the states and the legal citizen voters of those states.

Government prime purpose for existence is to ensure that Constitutional rights and freedoms are protected for every individual.  They are also charged with maintaining a Navy and defending the nation.

Many people are like me, we expect the government to step back and do it's specific jobs and stay out of the way of citizen's everyday lives.  We expect the government to work to ensure a "fair" playing field when some individuals endeavor to take unfair advantage of a situation at the expense of other citizen's rights.

We do not appreciate the government attempting to do things the private sector is supposed to do.  In point of fact, we expect the gov't do contract most work that needs to be done to the private sector.  This means we do not intend for the federal gov't to be manager, contractor and labor force all at the same time.

We expect the federal gov't to respect and defend individuals rights and to recognize the difference between a person and an entity. A corporation is an entity thus should not be given the same rights and freedoms of an actual person.

We expect elected representatives to be beholden first, foremost and only to the people of their respective state or district.  We re-iterate, corporations are entities, NOT people.

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