Constitutional Libertarianism

Constitutional Libertarianism

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Equal AND Equitable

People need to understand that the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights is not just about equality but about equitability at the same time.

For those unsure, equal means to be divided similarly.  For example, if we allow the privilege of driving on roads in automobiles, then everyone equally should have the opportunity to apply to do so.  If we say that everyone has a right to vote then is it enough to just say that every individual vote must count equally?  Not necessarily.  At least, not according to our founding documents.

We in the U.S. hold as a value the concept that every individual has certain basic natural or god given rights.  When it comes to those natural rights, it isn't enough to just ensure equal applicability of them.  We must recognize them equitably as well.  Thus we are not a simple democracy.  In a simple democracy in which a total tally of votes is taken the majority rules and the minority is over run.

However, there is something called "the mob" because people are often and more often than not, easily, manipulated into forming a voting bloc specifically for the purpose of creating a voting majority.  This is what we now often think of as "gaming the system".    The vote is supposed to ideologically represent a collection of individual votes based on each individuals values, beliefs, knowledge, etc...  When you have groups that try to manipulate people into making their vote based on affiliation with a group or political party as opposed to independent thought, you have an unethical manipulation or "Gaming the system".

Not only that, but the founding documents that establish this country are bound to ensure that every single citizen's natural rights are protected.  That no majority can collude to infringe upon or deny those basic natural rights from any one person, let alone a group of people with shared ideas or values.  In that alone, being "equal" is not enough.  We need to be very on top of what then is equitable or the "fairness" of the enforcement, defense, and application of laws and especially government practices.  Simple majorities in that case are not recognized.

Take for example the current examination of the electoral college after this election.  People claim that the popular vote was won by one candidate while the electoral college was won by the other.  Well, this is why the U.S. is not and never has been a simple Democracy.  It is a Republic because we do not allow a majority to hold sway over certain things that could or might likely interfere with or infringe upon individual's natural rights.  The representative government first role is supposed to be the stewardship and defense of every individual's natural rights.  This is why the Declaration is WAY more important than a lot of people want to give it recognition for.  The Constitution exists and the government formed therein specifically for the purpose of ensuring and defending those natural rights identified and recognized in the Declaration.

That means equitable as well as equal.  Those representatives and the government's first task is to protect the individual from the fickle majority.

Urban areas collect a lot of people densely into geographically small areas.  Rural areas are often more widely dispersed and more sparely populated.  In terms of being equal, because there are more people in urban areas, a majority is very easy to be attained.    However, just because of the nature of easily formed majority of numbers into specific area, that does not mean those more widely and sparsely distributed areas have any less importance or value to their votes.  In a popular vote only the majority counts and urban areas notoriously win those because of sheer numbers.  The mob rules.

To be equitable, or to be fair about counting or valuing more individuals votes respectively, The electoral college seeks to level the playing field, so to speak, so that those people in those rural and less densely populated areas are represented as best as can be in such a large geographic area such as the U.S. covers.

The people wanting to do away with the electoral college only care about being equal in that everyone got to vote but don't care one whit that everyone's vote counts or is represented equitably.  They believe that popularity must equal "right".  That's not how it works here.  History has taught us nothing if not that large groups of people can be led into making bad decisions.  Remember our mothers words to us as children.  "Just because "Everyone" seems to be doing it doesn't make it right.  It only means that it is popular."

Is the electoral college the perfect way to ensure equitability?  No, but then, as people, we are fooling only ourselves if we seriously think we will ever accomplish anything perfectly.  As a matter of fact, the more people involved only increases the likelihood that it will go less perfectly.

So, very sorry to burst any bubbles out there, but in the U.S. your majority does not matter when it comes to making sure the minority does not unfairly have their rights infringed upon.

I hate to say it, I voted for Johnson, but the pun cannot be ignored...  Equitability "trumps" popularity when it comes to defending individuals natural rights.

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