Constitutional Libertarianism

Constitutional Libertarianism

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Two Americas?

There's little doubt that after working at it for decades, they have finally accomplished their goal.  Who is this "they" I am referring to and what is it they have accomplished? 

They go by many names.  Progressives, statists, the "powerbroker rich", imperialists.  All collectively known better know as the American ruling class.

What is this goal they achieved?  Creating the American ruling class.  Political party membership is no deep divide.  Both parties want the same thing, power.  It is obvious that they have been complicit in working together to create a situation in this country in which they make and enforce laws that they themselves are not subject to.  They are part of a group that rules over everyone else.

Obamacare is what finally sealed the deal.  It puts into effect laws that everyone MUST be forced to participate in and abide by.  Everyone except those who made the law (Congress, and those who enforce the law (The President/White House) and those who paid those first two groups that made it happen. (the "powerbroker rich").

The Supreme Court was complicit because instead of rejecting it on it's most obvious flaw, that it is un-Constitutional by infringing on one of the inalienable rights, Liberty, They allowed it to go ahead anyway by describing it as a "tax" which doesn't change the fact that it still infringes on Liberty.

How do we know that both political parties are complicit in this?  Because while one political party and the Office of the President have been committing un-Constitutional acts, the other has bee either silent, putting up token disagreement to "keep face" or outright ignoring the fact and not calling them out on their un-Constitutional acts.

As long as they get to be part of the Ruling Class and exempt, they are satisfied with the solidifying of a Ruling Class.

When you read online or in the news that "The U.S. wants to take action A on issue B,"  what that really means is that the Ruling Class wants this action.  In all likelihood, the vast majority of the citizens don't want anything to do with it or actively oppose it.

The Ruling Class does not speak for the citizens, they just do what they want.

Yet it is still not too late to change this, though the window is closing.You'll know the end is near, the window is closing when Congress (most likely the Senate) introduces a Bill to repeal the Second Amendment.

Think it can;t happen?  Do you remember when the last Bill to step on individual liberty was passed so quickly and somehow ratified by the states in blindingly rapid succession?  That was Prohibition.  It happened before many citizens fully realized what was going on.

The government is taking steps to that end already by repeatedly bringing up the intent to implement "gun control" (in the Senate by the Way) with the president fully backing their efforts.  The other party (Republicans) are putting up token resistance but each time the resistance grows weaker and the opposition more mute.

The President has blatantly and repeatedly violated his oath to protect and uphold the Constitution and no other branch of the Federal government has taken steps to call him on it.  Oh sure, they rattle sabers and make comments in the news but not one has taken the issue up to begin impeachment or other trial investigation.  None of them.

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