There is some sad news for those who want to "interpret" the U.S. Constitution. It says what it means directly. There is no need for interpretation.
For example, in a recent discussion, someone told me they didn't like the "popular interpretation" of the Second Amendment and they think the gun rights belong to states, not individuals.
Uh, the bad news for you is that the Constitution is pretty clear on that. It doesn't say that "the right of the state to keep and bear arms..." Here's exactly what it says...
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."See there above? I've highlighted it for you. It specifically states that it is the right of the people. No interpretation required. It says what it means. Just because for some insane reason you don't agree doesn't mean you can somehow change what it says.
As a matter of fact, the first words are only the primary justification for providing said right that the authors felt was important enough to mention why it is so important for the people to have this right.
Do you know why there is a 15th Amendment? Because some people felt the need to "interpret" words such as "People" so as to include some, but not others an thus felt the need to "clarify" who is a "person". Really folks, how stupid does a society have to be to think that the term "People" does not refer to some with a different skin color?
In what level of idiocy does a person have to be to not understand that when the words "All men are created equal" includes men of all races? Why on earth should that have to be spelled out in a document such as a national Constitution?
I'll tell you why. Because some folks felt they had to "interpret" words based on what they wanted them to mean rather than on their face for what they actually were.
The 15th Amendment should not even exist because it should be so self evident that people of all races and cultures are part of the "People" and men" as related to the Constitution. It should be a given to understand that all races are "Men" and "People".
No, people had to "interpret" things to how they wanted them to mean instead of accepting what they were, so we get stupid amendments instead.
Stop interpreting and get it into your heads. The Constitution was fine as it stood. Interpretation is not necessary. You need to make sure you have a real and reasonable vocabulary to understand it apparently.
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