Constitutional Libertarianism

Constitutional Libertarianism

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What does it mean to live in a Constitutional Republic?

We are a Constitutional Republic.  The rules are written on the wall, it is everyone's duty to respect those rules and to make sure that we each, individually follow those rules.  There is damned good reason for having a constitutional government.  The rules are out in the open, for everyone to see.  They apply to one and all.

This allows every individual to go on their own way, live their own life and be the person they would be.  There is supposed to be no hidden agenda.  No different rules for different people.  The law is suppose to be clear and open.  We put the laws high up on the wall because then no one is above the law.  The law is above all.

That is freedom, true freedom.  Freedom which we take for granted.  It is our own and we police ourselves, at least, we are supposed to.  It is an expectation of self discipline.  "You know the rules, follow them and go on about your life".

The Constitution tells the government what it's job is.  It tells the government how to do that job and it is written in a way that limits the authority of that government.  Essentially, the Constitution tells the government, "If it's not specifically written in here, you can't do it."

The Declaration of Independence is more than just a letter telling the world that we are no longer a subject to British rule.  It is the key point that established our identity.  It is what established our culture as a nation and heavily influenced the writing of the Constitution so that it, the Constitution, would reflect that identity and culture. 

The Declaration of Independence established not only who we are not, subjects of Britain, but who we are.  A people who would live our own lives and never fully trust government again.  The Constitution was written to limit government and to make sure that every person had the same level playing field to start from in terms of law.  No one person is more special than anyone else where the law is concerned.

We are not a land of mob rule.  The majority is not always right and the minority is protected from being trampled on just because they disagree or would do their own thing.  The Constitution makes sure of this.

At the same time, the real power of the Constitutional Republic is that the leadership comes from within.  The elected representatives are supposed to be one of our own.  Someone who we trust t represent our local interests as well as contribute to the looking out for the interests of everyone.

The power and leadership does not come from the government, it comes from the people.  The people decide who to send forth and they decide who not to send.  They decide who to recall if they aren't doing what they were sent to do.

The people do this, not the elected, not the government.

The leadership comes from within.  That's the power of a Constitutional Republic.

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