Constitutional Libertarianism

Constitutional Libertarianism

Saturday, May 16, 2009

What being "Americanated" is all about.

The term "America-nated" is based on humor found in the most recent President Bush and his ability to create new words out of thin air.

It refers to the effects of the general population living in the U.S. being subjected to growing government influence and nanny state policies that are ever intruding on day to day life.

Or, what I think President Bush would call being "Americanated".

The basis of these articles is the U.S. Constitution. The constitution in a legal sense, is America. It the the basic principals and rules which direct our laws and essentially our quality of life here.

Being based on the constitution itself, and not the modern, ever intrusive politicking that currently serves as government, this blog site is very Pro America.

One way I like to think of America and the constitution is that the constitution is a recipe. It has the basic ingredients for a good foundation and accommodating the best life for the people in general.

Like all recipes however, it is subject to the cooks in the kitchens interpretation and 'flair' if you will.

The Constitution is there to keep things on track in government. Congress, the President and the Supreme court, are likely to make changes to how it is seasoned, add ingredients, trying various and sometimes ridiculous presentations.

Never-the-less, it is still the same basic recipe and that is what this blog will focus on. The key recipe and how far the current kitchen staff is wandering from it.

I will try to avoid the' popular' political trends and not resort to partisanship, name calling or other silliness typically engaged in by elected officials and paid pundits. I say I will try and there are times I may not succeed. Especially in terms of calling something silly, well, something silly.

For the record, I am registered as an "Independent" for voting. I do not associate with any recognized political party as I think they are all corrupt.

I do not support any one current existing elected representative in any branch of the government. Again, I think they are all corrupt or had to play political games to be elected because the system itself has been corrupted.

I will be seeking like minded people to contribute articles to this blog in order to get as much informative and entertaining content as possible here. No, I am not Glen Beck. Although from time to time, he can be entertaining too. I even think once in a blue moon, he gets it right.

In general, I, and this blog are fairly conservative. Stick to the basics and stick to the facts.

Finally, I want to say that not everything posted here will be a shining example of happy-happy when talking about this country in terms of government and elected officials. Especially since I think the majority are no longer actually interested in supporting the constitution as is. I will call them out. it doesn't mean I don't support America, it means I don't support the con artists who have duped the voters into electing them.

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